Post-Quantum Cryptography


Digital Signature Schemes


SNOVA is a digital signature algorithm that was submitted to Round 2 of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Project in February 2025. Its full name is “Simple Noncommutative-ring based UOV with key-randomness Alignment”, SNOVA is a simplified version of NOVA.


The SNOVA digital signature algorithm is a variant of the UOV algorithm, retaining the UOV's characteristic of short signatures while offering a shorter public key length compared to the traditional UOV algorithm, thereby providing advantages in both security and efficiency aspects of digital signatures.

Furthermore, the SNOVA algorithm provides a number of different parameter options for each security level, including various combinations of public key and signature lengths. This feature brings greater flexibility and adaptability to the application side, enabling SNOVA to be well-suited for diverse scenarios, whether it be resource-constrained devices or applications requiring high-security protection, as it allows for the selection of parameter configurations that best suit the specific use case.

Description of SNOVA

Let \( v, o \) be positive integers with \(v>o\) and \(\mathbb{F}_{q}\) be of characteristic 2. We choose \(\mathbb{F}_{q}=\rm{GF}(16)\) for our implementation. Let \(n=v+o\) and \(m=o\). The construction of a \((v,o,q,l)\) SNOVA scheme is based on the subfield \(\boldsymbol{\mathbb{F}_{q}[S]}\).


Subring \(\boldsymbol{\mathbb{F}_{q}[S]}\) and elements in \(\boldsymbol{\mathbb{F}_{q}[S]}\).

Let \(S\) be a \(l \times l\) symmetric matrix with an irreducible characteristic polynomial. The subring \(\mathbb{F}_{q}[S]\) of \(\mathcal{R}\) is defined as \[ \mathbb{F}_{q}[S]=\{a_{0}+a_{1}S+\cdots+a_{l-1}S^{l-1}\mid a_{0},a_{1},\cdots,a_{l-1} \in \mathbb{F}_{q}\}. \] As the characteristic polynomial of \(S\) is irreducible, \(\mathbb{F}_{q}[S]\) is a field. Thus, the elements in \(\mathbb{F}_{q}[S]\) are symmetric and they all commute. Let \[ \Omega=\{(j,k):1 \le j,k \le n\} \setminus \{(j,k):v+1 \le j,k \le n\}. \] This index set \(\Omega\) is defined by the Oil-Vinegar structure.


Central map of SNOVA.

For \(i \in \{1,\ldots,m\}\), we define \[ \left[ F_{i}\right]= \begin{bmatrix} F_{i,jk} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} F_{i}^{11} & F_{i}^{12} \\ F_{i}^{21} & 0 \end{bmatrix} \] where \(F_{i}^{11}\), \(F_{i}^{12}\) and \(F_{i}^{21}\) are matrices over \(\mathcal{R}\) randomly generated of size \(v \times v\), \(v \times o\) and \(o \times v\), respectively. We use random matrices and \(\left[F_{1}\right],\ldots,\left[F_{m}\right]\) to construct the central map. First, we randomly choose invertible elements \(A_{i,\alpha}\) and \(B_{i,\alpha}\) from \(\mathcal{R}\), and invertible elements \(Q_{i,\alpha,1}\) and \(Q_{i,\alpha,2}\) from \(\mathbb{F}_{q}[S]\). The central map of SNOVA scheme is \(\widetilde{F}=\left[\widetilde{F}_{1},\cdots,\widetilde{F}_{m}\right]:\mathcal{R}^{n} \rightarrow \mathcal{R}^{m}\), for \(i \in \{1,\cdots,m\}\), \(\widetilde{F}_{i}\) is defined to be \[ \widetilde{F}_{i}(X_{1},\ldots,X_{n})=\sum\limits_{\alpha=0}^{l^{2}+l-1}A_{i,\alpha} \cdot \left( \sum\limits_{(j,k) \in \Omega } X_{j}^{t}\left(Q_{i,\alpha,1}F_{i^{\prime},jk}Q_{i,\alpha, 2}\right)X_{k}\right) \cdot B_{i,\alpha} \] where \(i^{\prime} = (i+ \alpha) \mod m\) and \(F_{i^{\prime},jk}\) is the \((j,k)\)-th entry of \(\left[F_{i^{\prime}}\right]\). Changes to the Round 1 central map are: the sum over \(\alpha\) has been extended from \(l^2\) to \(l^{2}+l\) elements, the \(ABQ\) matrices now depend not only on \(\alpha\) but also on \(i\), and \(F_{i^\prime}\) depends on both \(i\) and \(\alpha\).


Invertible linear map.

The invertible linear map in SNOVA scheme is the map \(T: \mathcal{R}^{n} \rightarrow \mathcal{R}^{n}\) corresponding to the matrix \[ \left[T \right]= \left[T_{ij} \right]= \begin{bmatrix} I^{11} & T^{12}\\ 0 & I^{22}\\ \end{bmatrix}, \] where \(T^{12}\) is a \(v \times o\) matrix consisting of nonzero entries \(T_{ij}\) chosen randomly in \(\mathbb{F}_{q}[S]\). Note that \(T_{ij}\) is symmetric and commutes with other elements in \(\mathbb{F}_{q}[S]\). In particular, \(T_{ij}\) commutes with \(Q_{i,\alpha,1}\) and \(Q_{i,\alpha,2}\). The matrices \(I^{11}\) and \(I^{22}\) are identity matrices over \(\mathcal{R}\). Therefore, \(\left[T \right]\) is invertible and hence \(T\). Note that since \(\mathbb{F}_{q}\) is of characteristic \(2\), the matrix \(\left[T^{-1} \right]=\left[T \right]\).


Public map.

We construct the public key \(\left[ P_{1}\right],\ldots,\left[ P_{m}\right]\) via the congruence relation \[ \left[ P_{1}\right]= \begin{bmatrix} P_{1,j,k} \end{bmatrix} = \left[T \right]^{t}\left[ F_{1}\right]\left[T \right],\ldots, \left[ P_{m}\right]= \begin{bmatrix} P_{m,j,k} \end{bmatrix} = \left[T \right]^{t}\left[ F_{m}\right]\left[T \right]. \] The public map of SNOVA is \(\widetilde{P} = \widetilde{F} \circ T\). For \(i\in \{1,2,\dots,m\}\), \(\widetilde{P}_{i}=\widetilde{F}_{i} \circ T\). Then, by the relation \({\mathbf{X}}=\left[T \right] \cdot {\mathbf{U}}\) where \({\mathbf{U}}=(U_{1},\cdots,U_{n}) \in \mathcal{R}^{n}\) and the commutativity of \(\mathbb{F}_{q}[S]\), we have that \[ \widetilde{P}_{i}({\mathbf{U}})=\widetilde{F}_{i}(T({\mathbf{U}}))=\sum\limits_{\alpha=0}^{l^{2}+l-1} \sum\limits_{j=1}^{n}\sum\limits_{k=1}^{n}A_{i,\alpha} \cdot U_{j}^{t}(Q_{i,\alpha,1}P_{i^{\prime},jk}Q_{i,\alpha,2})U_{k} \cdot B_{i,\alpha} \] where \(i^{\prime}=(i +\alpha) \mod m\) and \(P_{i^{\prime},jk}\) is the \((j,k)\)-th entry of matrix \(\left[P_{i^{\prime}}\right]\). By introducing the matrices \(A_{i,\alpha},B_{i,\alpha},Q_{i,\alpha,1},Q_{i,\alpha,2}\), the public map \(\widetilde{P}\) is not a sparse UOV map when we regard it as over \(\mathbb{F}_{q}\).


Public key of SNOVA.

The public key are the matrices \(\left[P_{i} \right]\) and the matrices \(A_{i,\alpha}\), \(B_{i,\alpha}\), \(Q_{i,\alpha, 1}\) and \(Q_{i,\alpha, 2}\) for \(\alpha = 0,1,\dots,l^{2}+l-1\), or simply the seed \(\bf{s}_{public}\) which generates them.By utilizing matrices \(\left[P_{i} \right]\) and the seed \(\bf{s}_{public}\), the verifier is capable to obtain the public map \(\widetilde{P}\) and subsequently verify the received signature. We propose parameter settings aiming for NIST security levels I, III, and V. For security level I, our \(l=4\) parameter set results in a public key size of \(1016\) bytes and a signature size of \(248\) bytes. With these performances, we believe that the SNOVA scheme has strong competitiveness compared to other post-quantum signature schemes.


SL (v, o, q, l)  public key size sign size private key size (esk) private key size (ssk)
I (37, 17, 16, 2) 9842 124 91440 48
(25, 8, 16, 3) 2320 164.5 39576
(24, 5, 16, 4) 1016 248 36848
III (56, 25, 16, 2) 31266 178 300848
(49, 11, 16, 3) 6005.5 286 177060
(37, 8, 16, 4) 4112 376 133040
(24, 5, 16, 5) 1578.5 378.5 60048
V (75, 33, 16, 2) 71890 232 704532
(66, 15, 16, 3) 15203.5 380.5 435423
(60, 10, 16, 4) 8016 576 395248
(29, 6, 16, 5) 2716 453.5 100398

Table of key-sizes and lengths of the signature of SNOVA parameter settings. (bytes)

Security & Sizes

During Round 1 of the NIST competition severeal new attacks were described. In the table below we mention the security against the best known attack as of February 2025. Refer to the Round 2 Supporting Document for security estimates for other attacks.

Security in log #gates and sizes
SL (v, o, q, l) Best Attack pk(Bytes) sig(Bytes)
I (37, 17, 16, 2) 153 9842 124
(25, 8, 16, 3) 166 2320 164.5
(24, 5, 16, 4) 180 1016 248
III (56, 25, 16, 2) 221 31266 178
(49, 11, 16, 3) 220 6005.5 286
(37, 8, 16, 4) 279 4112 376
(24, 5, 16, 5) 257 1578.5 378.5
V (75, 33, 16, 2) 287 71890 232
(66, 15, 16, 3) 293 15203.5 380.5
(60, 10, 16, 4) 343 8016 576
(29, 6, 16, 5) 310 2716 453.5


A comparison of the key and signature sizes of SNOVA, and the key and signature sizes of the NISTPQC finalists (SPHINCS+, DILITHIUM and Falcon), Pre-Quantum (RSA and EdDSA) and compressed UOV.

Making Internet post-quantum. For easily upgrading existing protocols (e.g. TLS) to become quantum-resistant, the article of CloudFlare gives the condition: 6 x signature + 2 x pk ≤ 9KB.


Benchmark results on a modern desktop system (Arrow Lake) using AVX2 instructions. ESK: Expanded Secret Key, SSK: Seeded Secret Key (always 48 bytes). The verify expands the public key.

SL (v,o,l) XOF Gen cycles Sign cycles SSK Sign cycles ESK Verify cycles
I (37, 17, 16, 2) AES 754,677 737,085 262,422 151,842
(37, 17, 16, 2) SHAKE 923,342 905,717 259,619 317,564
(25, 8, 16, 3) AES 246,298 494,904 340,740 176,153
(25, 8, 16, 3) SHAKE 317,078 563,468 346,892 244,364
(24, 5, 16, 4) AES 222,876 530,409 385,429 205,829
(24, 5, 16, 4) SHAKE 286,892 594,690 385,965 268,342
III (56, 25, 16, 2) AES 3,289,256 2,876,627 648,245 531,159
(56, 25, 16, 2) SHAKE 3,829,031 3,424,697 651,370 1,079,757
(49, 11, 16, 3) AES 1,503,852 2,061,825 984,405 675,680
(49, 11, 16, 3) SHAKE 1,839,992 2,390,210 997,315 987,091
(37, 8, 16, 4) AES 1,039,795 1,804,955 1,102,301 652,463
(37, 8, 16, 4) SHAKE 1,263,702 2,030,093 1,100,166 889,065
(24, 5, 16, 5) AES 456,998 1,421,115 1,120,762 685,307
(24, 5, 16, 5) SHAKE 553,744 1,524,408 1,128,682 787,049
V (75, 33, 16, 2) AES 9,745,037 8,052,855 1,426,465 1,309,034
(75, 33, 16, 2) SHAKE 11,034,489 9,328,179 1,450,322 2,595,930
(66, 15, 16, 3) AES 4,561,008 5,700,004 2,215,902 1,737,533
(66, 15, 16, 3) SHAKE 5,376,257 6,516,854 2,223,800 2,567,815
(60, 10, 16, 4) AES 3,519,404 5,574,943 2,800,653 1,932,041
(60, 10, 16, 4) SHAKE 4,244,420 6,216,789 2,819,456 2,648,472
(29, 6, 16, 5) AES 804,402 2,278,333 1,758,416 1,073,040
(29, 6, 16, 5) SHAKE 985,666 2,442,798 1,757,620 1,249,950

These achievements indicate significant prospects for the application of SNOVA in most scenarios.


NIST Submission Document for Round 2 Additional Signatures

It is the pdf archive that we submitted to the Round 2 Additional Signatures of the NIST PQC project. It contains the specification of SNOVA, the Document.
Download NIST submission document for Round 2 Additional Signatures (pdf)

NIST Submission Package for Round 2 Additional Signatures

It is the zip archive that we submitted to the Round 2 Additional Signatures of the NIST PQC project. It contains the specification of SNOVA, the reference and optimized implementations.
Download NIST submission package for Round 2 Additional Signatures (zip)

Source code repository

The offical source code can be found on github

Cryptology ePrint Archive: A Simple Noncommutative UOV Scheme

In this paper, we propose a simple noncommutative-ring based UOV signature scheme with key-randomness alignment: Simple NOVA, which can be viewed as a simplified version of NOVA
Last updated on 2024-05-24